Thrivecraft ™ inspirational training, mentoring and business alchemy for coaches and meditation teachers


Join Free Meditation Course Now


During this unprecedented time of global ‘retreat’, I am giving FREE access to my 30 day Thrivecraft meditation foundation online course (usual price £199).

Thoroughly learn and practice four wonderful meditations which help you feel good – bringing you calm, happiness, empowerment and wisdom.

I’ll be with you step by step via video – describing and guiding the meditations and sharing information and tips on how to be comfortable, relaxed and get the most from your practice.

Join now and get into your groove with meditation, whether you are brand new to meditation or wanting to refresh your practice.

Just click the link below, sign up and away you go!

With love, Maggie  x

Join Thrivecraft Meditation Foundation Course Now

Say Yes to Abundance Workshop

Say Yes to Abundance

Opening the flow of money and prosperity

 Sat 17 / Sun 18  June 2017

roses around door

An inspiring and powerful weekend workshop to

* Discover your unique soul-path to money and prosperity

*  Clear away habitual worries, doubts and feelings of lack

* Fully appreciate your true worth, natural gifts and attractiveness

* Create inspiring, soulful ideas and plans and easy-going action

*  Learn and practice potent magnetising and manifestation techniques

* Share wisdom & support with the soul-centered Thrivecraft tribe

Click for video testimonials

 This workshop has been specially created to help you

make a shift in consciousness and allow

an abundance of money and prosperity to flow into your life,

to generate enthusiasm, ideas and plans to take action

with an authentic heart and fulfilled soul!

Magnetise Love.  Boost your prosperity.

Attract good fortune.  Create synchronicity.

Feel free and joyful.

Thrivecraft island retreat

100% intention + 100% surrender = manifestation.

I am having such an amazing experience, these days, of being carried along by a wave of love and grace – so many opportunities and so much support opening and appearing and flowing…

Patrick Edgecombe and I are holding a broad, inspired vision to move to the Isle of Cumbrae, Scotland to live and establish a holistic retreat.

arran snow

Yet we are holding it lightly – so Life/Love/God has space to move without us getting in the way, surprising and delighting us with the details, presenting opportunities we hadn’t imagined.

There are numerous questions and scenarios and factors to take into account, much yet to fall into place, but the overarching feeling is of complete faith and trust that all is unfolding exactly as it should.

I’ve had this experience many times in my life before, but never as strongly as this. It really feels like we are keeping the focus powerfully, yet yielding to a divine purpose much greater than we can see.

The synchronicities, positive signs and good omens are showing up thick and fast every single day, endorsing and enabling this move to Scotland.

What a marvelous energy to be part of.

We are part of a powerful network of friends, family and colleagues who are supporting us (thank you Amy Webb, my fantastic family and dear Thrivecraft Abundance tribe in particular) and willing us on.

We are doing this together and it feels wonderful. Thank you. Love is all.