Thrivecraft ™ inspirational training, mentoring and business alchemy for coaches and meditation teachers

Posts tagged “prosperity

Diving for Pearls Book Launch Party


Maggie Kay invites you to

come and celebrate the

publication of her first book

Diving for Pearls:

The Wise Woman’s Guide to Finding Love 


Totnes Natural Health Centre

the Plains, Totnes, Devon


Friday 29 September

publication day

From 6pm

 For an evening of

celebration and refreshments



Guided meditation

Reading from Diving for Pearls

Q&A with Maggie


 And an opportunity to have

your book personally signed by Maggie Kay

Creating Prosperity with Your Soulful Work


Business Coaching Day

with Maggie Kay

Creating Prosperity with your

Soulful Work


Sunday 19th January 2014

9.30 am -4.30 pm

at our new venue

The Totnes Natural Health Centre

trust wisdom of soul

 The theme for this coaching day is creating prosperity in 2014 with your true vocation / soul work / creative endeavour / inspired ethical business.

During the day we will review where we are now in the fulfilment of our vocation and creation of prosperity, and explore where we’d like to make positive developments.

We will create a heart centered vision map for 2014 and practice magnetising whatever new business, income, support, resources, clarity, self belief etc we seek.

The Thrivecraft Group Coaching Day format is an opportunity for us to receive more personal input in a smaller group setting and deepen support and connection between fellow experienced Thrivecrafters.

January’s coaching day launches the Thrivecraft Programme’s business coaching module which will continue at the February and March weekend workshops (details coming soon).

  For more info and to book click here

 Eventbrite - Thrivecraft Coaching Day January 2014

Saying Yes to Abundance Workshop

“What can I expect to get from your workshop?” asks Karen Davies of

Here’s my answer!


Maybe Money DOES Grow on Trees

We are all so clever.  Me too – what a clever clogs!  Whirrrr goes my mind – working it all out, coming up with all the plans and solutions…  But now and then I hit a brick wall.  My intellect can take me no further.  In fact it has sometimes gotten me into quite a lot of trouble – taken me down wrong roads, round in circles or smack into the bricks.

Like most of us I have a very strong work ethic – if only I work harder, put in more effort, I will EARN my right to have or be this or that.  Except that pure mental exhertion is not the whole story and it is not sustainable. Sooner or later it becomes counter-productive.  By narrowing down our focus to a solitary slog of the intellect we shut out the natural supply of support and energy all around us in other dimensions.  It’s like a plant squeezing closed its roots and refusing the sustenance of the soil.

A year ago, whilst living in the Wild Field, I was contemplating my relationship to money, wealth and prosperity.  Despite months of thinking, planning and action around making a better living, something was compromising the flow of abundance into my life.  I decided to undertake a 40 day spiritual programme – The Abundance Programme by John Randolph-Price – to explore what unconscious attitudes might be holding me back.

Soon into the programme, I uncovered my main ‘vanity’ – an attachment to the idea that I was soley responsible for coming up with all the answers.  My pride meant that I was shutting off receptivity to support from elsewhere and it was only when I finally admitted that I’d run out of ideas that any of that was available to me.

Almost as soon as I saw this, things began to change (and indeed, a year on, are very different)…

Here are a couple of videos I recorded at the time – very much in the spirit of Raw and Real in the Wild Field (a no frills spontaneous video diary).  I knew one day I’d be brave enough to show some of them to you!

This first one is my basic ‘Aha’ moment about where I’d been going wrong….

And a few days later into the Abundance Programme, this is my video report on how I had already started to attract money from surprising places.