Thrivecraft ™ inspirational training, mentoring and business alchemy for coaches and meditation teachers

Posts tagged “inner wisdom

Diving for Pearls Book Launch Party


Maggie Kay invites you to

come and celebrate the

publication of her first book

Diving for Pearls:

The Wise Woman’s Guide to Finding Love 


Totnes Natural Health Centre

the Plains, Totnes, Devon


Friday 29 September

publication day

From 6pm

 For an evening of

celebration and refreshments



Guided meditation

Reading from Diving for Pearls

Q&A with Maggie


 And an opportunity to have

your book personally signed by Maggie Kay

Diving for Pearls – new book coming soon

I am delighted to announce that my new book – Diving for Pearls: The Wise Woman’s Guide to Finding Love – will be published on 29th September 2017.

Look out for my special pre-release launch event early in 2017 for an opportunity to buy your own personally signed copies ahead of the official publication date.

And for book signing events in the UK and USA from the autumn – to be announced.


Dive For Your Pearls

This book is part true love story and part how-to guide. In these pages, I take you with me on the spiritual adventure of my life and share how I eventually found what I was longing for – deep trust in my own inner wisdom and a true love, soul mate and life partner that can meet me on all levels. Along with the story, I share the insights and learning that lit the way for me with the hope that this will also help illuminate your path of love and wisdom.

My quest for wisdom began when I was a child, trying to figure out if church had the answers to life’s big questions. Continuing by studying psychology at university, I was profoundly affected by the death of my father and discovered the practice of meditation. For nearly two decades thereafter, I trained for and became an ordained Buddhist.

But wisdom wasn’t enough. Although denying it for many years, deep down I also ached to be properly partnered by a soul mate – a true love that shared every aspect of my life. A series of experiences finally brought me to fulfill that destiny and the ensuing spiritual renaissance resulted in the resigning of my ordination and the founding of Thrivecraft – an inspirational coaching practice providing a universal path of love and wisdom for all.

Echoing my own journey, the first half of Pearls is about inner wisdom. Along with this part of my story, I share tips and teachings on meditation, mindfulness and intuition so that you too can tune in to your own natural inner wisdom.

The second half focuses on finding true love and includes my ‘Get Ready For Love’ step-by-step guide. I also describe how inner wisdom continues to serve a deepening relationship once you’ve met a partner (or, indeed, reveals when it is time to move on).

It is my dear wish that you will be inspired by my story and tips, transported by a special ‘Ask Your Inner Wisdom’ meditation I have created and recapture your natural entitlement to be completely guided and supported in all that you do. Go ahead and find the kind of love and wisdom that you so desire and so deserve. Dive for your pearls – they are right here and they are all yours.

Maggie Kay



The Art of Manifestation

I was just looking through my workshop video library for some of my teachings on manifestation for one client, when another messaged me and asked for help on manifestation.

And so I took that as a sign that it would be good to post this short video clip – The Art Of Manifestation –  for all to see.

Filmed at my Wake Up Your Wisdom Workshop in 2013, I am explaining the Thrivecraft formula of

100% intention + 100% surrender = manifestation

and the difference between

‘Must Have’, ‘Can’t Have’ and ‘Havingness’

and how these are important in mastering the art of manifestation / creating the life you desire.





Meditation Made Easy

Meditation Made Easy

For Busy Minds

Meditation Workshops with Maggie Kay

Saturday and Sunday afternoon

At the Port Eliot Festival 28 – 31 July

St Germans, Cornwall


 For info click here – Port Eliot Festival workshops

port eliot

Ten Tips for Easy Meditation

We’ve all had those moments.  Suddenly, we are totally absorbed in a thing of great beauty – an incredible golden sunset on a beach, a piece of heart soaring music that moves us to tears.  The rest of the world disappears.  There’s only this wonderful experience, filling us, thrilling us.  Anything we were doing pauses.  Anything we were thinking melts away.  We are transported into vivid aliveness and feel like we are standing in the center of the universe.

This aliveness is our natural state.  It is waiting beneath and below all the complicated layers of our life ready to greet us.  All we have to do is remember to drop in from time to time – visit the oasis, refresh ourselves – and we can take that aliveness back into our everyday life.  Somehow, then, our troubles aren’t quite so troubling.  We feel like our emotional batteries are charged up.  We can see more clearly how to deal with things.

This is essentially what we are doing when we sit down to meditate.  It’s so easy to forget our natural, alive state that we need to do something routinely to remind ourselves.  So, we build reminder time into our daily pattern – get up, brush our teeth, have a cup of tea, meditate – and that way we don’t forget to remember!  As little as ten minutes spent like this every day can invite the aliveness back into our life.

So, how to we do it?

1. Decide what you are doing

Before you start meditating, be clear how long you will sit for and what kind of meditation practice you will do.  Have a silent watch or clock within sight so you can open your eyes and peek at the time if you need to.  You may notice that you soon don’t need a clock.  Before long you will instinctively ‘feel’ that the time you’ve allocated is up and it’s time to come out of meditation.

2. Choose your time

It makes a big difference if you can stick to the same time to meditate every day (or every other day or every week – whatever routine you establish).  If you pick your time and stick to it you don’t have to keep re-making the decision to meditate and figuring out when.  It just becomes part of your day or week.

First thing in the morning is great.  It’s well worth getting up half an hour earlier to give yourself this start to the day.  Some people prefer last thing at night when everything is over.  Or perhaps your best time is when you get home from taking the kids to school.  Or maybe after getting home from work and just before dinner.  Whatever time you pick, have a satisfied tummy – neither hungry nor overfull.  Choose your time and make it part of your daily or weekly routine.

3. Find your quiet spot

Find a place where you can be quiet and undisturbed.  Be in a room on your own (unless others are meditating with you).  Unplug your phone and switch off your mobile.  Be out of earshot of TV or radio.   Let others know to leave you in peace.

It’s nice to set the scene for your self.  Perhaps face a garden window or a vase of flowers or an inspiring picture.  Burn some incense or essential oils.  Make this your special meditation spot.  You will find that this place will start to have a peaceful atmosphere, a meditation ‘vibe’.

4. Be comfortable

Find a chair where you can sit comfortably in an alert, upright position.  A dining room chair is good, or an easy chair.  You can also prop yourself up at the head of a bed.  Undo any tight clothing, buttons or zips.

Wherever you are sitting, support your back with cushions so that your spine is reasonably straight and your head and neck is free.  If you are on a dining room chair you can put a cushion under your feet.  If you are in an easy chair you can see if you prefer having your legs folded up cross-legged.  If so, make sure your knees are supported with cushions if needed.

Some people like to sit on a pile of cushions on the floor, or a meditation stool.  If so, put a blanket down first as a mat, then your cushions or stool on top.  Two or three firm cushions are about right.  At the right height your back is not bowing or arching but relatively straight.  You can straddle the cushions like a horse, or sit with your legs folded in front of you cross-legged. Support your knees by tucking extra cushions under them if they don’t reach the ground so you can relax at the hips.

However you sit, you should have a strong base – a tripod of your backside and your two knees. Have your hands resting in your lap.  Tying a shawl or scarf at your tummy gives a little shelf to rest your hands on if you like.

There’s always the option to lie down on a bed or the floor if you think you’d be most comfortable like this.  The only draw back is that you may find yourself feeling sleepier than if you were sitting upright.  None the less, the number one priority is that you are comfortable.  So if lying down is right for you, that’s fine.

Close your eyes lightly, or have them half open if you are very sleepy or disoriented.

If you get stiff or pins and needles while you are meditating, gently and slowly move and re-position yourself and carry on.  However, the idea is to find out how to sit completely comfortably for an extended period of time without having to move, so keep playing with your posture until you get it just right.

When you are settled, close your eyes lightly, or have them slightly open if you are very sleepy or disoriented.

5. Let the weight drop down

Take several big, long, deep, deliberate, audible breaths.  As you breathe out, let your weight drop down through the sitting bones – down, down, down through your seat and the floor into the ground.

Even as we let our weight drop down, we are also aware of an invisible force supporting us upright.  It’s as though we have a taut string attached the crown of our head, reminding us of our natural poise and alertness.  The more we relax and drop down, the more we feel effortlessly supple and upright.

6. Relax and soften

Relaxing further, roll your shoulders a few times each way.  Then move your head gently from side to side.  Make some wild faces to release your face muscles (nobody’s looking!).  Let your jaw hang slightly slack and your tongue be free. You can use your hands to gently massage your jaw, cheeks and forehead.  Carry on over the scalp and down the back of your neck.  Give your shoulders a bit of a squeeze then stroke down your arms to your fingers.  Continue down the body with your hands, squeezing or stroking all the way down to your toes.  You can hang over your toes for a while.  Keep breathing easily and slowly uncurl.  Finally, shake out your hands and finish with a nice stretch.  Come back to a relaxed, upright sitting posture again.

Take a few more strong breaths. Let your tummy be soft.  Check your jaw is still slack and that the tongue is free.

7. Drop into the breath

Notice how you are breathing now, however it wants to come and go.   Feel how it is to be breathing, how you feel inside yourself, the rhythm of the breath as it comes and goes.  Let yourself be filled with breath.  It’s as though your whole body is breathing, expanding and contracting with every in and out breath.  Feel your breath right down to your toes, to the tips of your fingers, to the roots of your hair.

8. Give your head a rest

As you’re breathing, you may be aware of questions and preoccupations rippling around in your mind.  It probably feels like its going on in your head.  However, invite your thinking mind to rest for a little while. It’s not needed for few minutes.

Soften your eyes, let your eyes go soft and dewy (even though your eyes are closed you can do that) and let the brain itself feel slack in your head.  Just feel the breath going in and out the body.  Breathe in and out and let all those thought particles fall through the breath like dust particles falling through the air in a sunny room.  Let them all fall to the ground.

9. Feel into your heart

Breathing into the body, notice how you are physically feeling around your heart area in your chest.  Can you feel if it is tight or relaxed? Can you feel if your heart feels nice, or if it feels pain, or somewhere in between? Can you feel if your heart feels far away or if it feels very vivid and acute and present?

And whatever it is or isn’t, just noticing it as you breathe. Feeling the texture and the tone of our heart.  You might be aware that there is a kind of atmosphere – an emotional atmosphere around your heart.  You might not have a name for it, but you can feel its ambience, its flavour.

Perhaps you can even sense its colour – the colour of your emotional heart right now. You might not see it exactly, but whatever occurs to you – the colour or colours of your heart. Even if it’s not what you expect, even if it’s not what you want, notice the colour.

10. Being with all that you are

Continue to breathe with all that you are – all that you think, all that you feel, all that you sense, and all that you know.  Gather yourself into the breath and let yourself drop into the vastness of your total being.  Getting into this zone is a meditation in itself, and you need do nothing more.  However, you are now also ready to take it further into a focused meditation if that’s what you’ve chosen.

Guided Meditation

Maggie Kay’s complete guided meditation – Ask Your Inner Wisdom – leads you through a full preparation / relaxation and then on to find inner answers from deep within your own wisdom.

The 20 minute MP3 download of Ask Your Inner Wisdom and free 2 minute sample is available at Meditation with Maggie Kay 

Online Meditation Course & Meditation Teacher Training

Maggie Kay’s 4 week online meditation and certified meditation teacher training courses are also available at  Meditation with Maggie Kay


How I Found My Soulmate

Extract from my new book

Diving for Pearls: The Wise Woman’s Guide to Finding Love.

How did I manage to find my true love and soul mate?

“Totnes is full of single mothers and hardly any single men” – my new friends in Devon were quite adamant.  “I hope you’re not expecting to find a partner down here!”  But I wasn’t moving to rural south west England to find a partner, not yet anyway.

After 16 years living in a Buddhist community in London, it was time to move on, and my longing for a rural lifestyle could no longer be ignored.  But most importantly of all, my seven-year-old son, Jamie, deserved a more gentle upbringing than a city could afford.

Despite the good reasons, however, there was also an element of strange magnetism I couldn’t put my finger on.  In many ways I was leaving a great situation and jumping into the unknown,  but there was a compelling force drawing me on – and I had a daring, inexplicable knowledge that this was absolutely the right move.

So, one sunny September morning in 2001, I packed my little grey Peugot to bursting, strapped Jamie in the front beside me, and set off for our new life in the country.

rumi set your life on fire

At 37, I was a free agent for the first time pretty much since my teens.  I’d split amicably from Jamie’s dad two years ago.  It was the most civilised split I’ve ever heard of, but even so, the impact of separating the family was utterly devastating.

My escape came in the form of a smouldering Spanish guy from my 5 Rhythms dance class.  However it wasn’t long before I became emotionally trashed by this crazy sex fest of a so called relationship.  I was so fragile that I clung on for far too long.  Moving to Devon would make sure it was over for good.  For the first time in all those years, I was single, and I felt it.  I was F – R – E – E  !

My heart was soaring when we got out to stretch our legs at Stonehenge.  What an incredible monument to mark the half way point to Devon.  The sky was blue and the ancient stones seemed to be humming with affirmation that we were doing the right thing.  We weren’t in dirty, frantic, complicated London now.  Here was the gateway to a whole new magical realm.

Our first base was a caravan in a charming farm campsite not far from Totnes.  We were leaving behind a lovely, secure and affordable home in London.  It was part of a triangle of Victorian maisonettes with gardens backing on to each other so the kids were safe to roam around with each other.

I was glad that Jamie still had some of that now – access to an indoor swimming pool and an adventure playground and a few other families who were temporarily living at the campsite during the offseason just like us.

There was a lot to do – a home to find, school for Jamie, money to earn, new friends to make.  I was fully occupied and completely excited by the experience of making this beautiful place our home.

Originally a spa town, Totnes is known as the ‘alternative capital of the UK’ and has attracted all sorts of interesting people and progressive projects into it’s midst over the decades.  And driving through the stunning countryside brought me out in mild bliss every day – very different from the tension that inevitably comes with ‘cheeky driving’ through London traffic.

But by night I was lonely and reeling from all the changes.  Jamie was having a tough time too and was unsettled at school.  He was understandably disturbed and angry about being ripped away from all he knew, and I was feeling the strain and guilt.  (What possessed me to think he’d settle at the fairy-like Steiner School after his formative years in inner city mainstream education?)

Sometimes the grief and disorientation were almost unbearable.  It would have been so comforting to have someone intimate to share all this with – a manly chest to snuggle into…

So, in night time lonely autopilot, I reached out half heartedly for a liaison.  Computer dating was a pleasant distraction, safe in the knowledge that everyone was at a reassuring cyber distance.  The few dates I met up with soon dissolved any cosy illusions of romance I’d entertained myself with.

There were also a few ‘real’ single men I ran into (despite what my friends had said, Totnes seemed to have plenty of them).  I spent a month with Martin no.1, and another with Martin no.2, and hung out with an attractive new friend while he was between girlfriends.  But none of it was right and nothing got off the ground.

I knew that this was because I still had some healing to do, and at last I decided to co-operate with the process.  I needed to do what usually has to be done when recovering from one relationship and preparing for another – to stay in the gap for as long as it takes and be with myself for a while.

I was overdue to complete some unfinished emotional business – to understand what had happened and why; to let go of hurts and fears; to re-asses who I am now; and establish what kind of relationship would be good for me next.

As a meditator I already had an invaluable tool at my disposal.  Meditation gives emotional space and opens up a bigger perspective that allows us to face challenges positively.   Along with regular chats with insightful friends and family, my meditation practise gave me the resources to navigate my way through the stormy emotional waters.

So did my practice of 5 Rhythms Dance.  At my weekly class, and in the privacy of my own home, this wonderful form of dance free expression accessed and gave full voice to the stories and emotions stuck in my body.  I danced and roared and stamped and cried (a lot!) and laughed and gave thanks and laid the ghosts to rest.  Over the weeks I became clearer, free-er and more peaceful.

In early February I attended a sweat lodge held by a lovely local shaman down by the River Dart.   In the dark, eerie beauty of a winter forest, we ceremonially heated huge stones in a roaring wooden pyre.  Once ready, the hot stones were brought into the lodge one by one and sprinkled with sage water.

We sat in a circle inside the lodge, naked and in total darkness, sweating and singing and praying.  It was like being inside a womb of pure spirit.  We spoke aloud one at a time, each prayer seeming to come from infinite consciousness and be sent out into the entire universe.  My prayer was spontaneous and ardent – “Please help me let go of the past and allow me the time and space I need before I get involved in another relationship.”

Dharma Life Cover

During one of my more contented evenings, and inspired by Oriah Mountain Dreamer’s book, ‘The Invitation’, I did some reflective writing.  In a deep, prayerful way, I wrote about what I longed for – the kind of loving partner that would be ideal for me.

It was almost sacreligious to be so damn honest about what would be utterly wonderful for me.  I’d never given myself permission to state these things before.  But once it was down on paper I found I was moved by the quality of person I was describing in those two dozen short paragraphs.  And somehow, having committed my vision to paper, this man began to take on a tangible existence.  It was spooky.  It was as though I had begun to create a reality, or at least, call a reality towards me.

Having read widely about metaphysical principles since then, I know that this is exactly what is occurring when we make things conscious and decide to move towards them.  As my old Buddhist teacher used to say, ‘It’s not so much that man wills, but that will man’s’.  In other words our will manifests into form not the other way around.  We become what we wish for.  We create our reality from our thoughts and feelings and expectations.

Now, in my work as a coach, writing about ideals is an exercise that my clients use with unremmittingly powerful results.  But back then, I somewhat innocently placed my writings on my meditation shrine, and forgot about them.  Little did I know that I’d planted a seed that would invisibly grow into a garden of opportunity, or that I’d soon be looking upon the face of the man who would become my husband.

At first I didn’t realise I’d met him. As far as I was concerned, this ‘Pat’ guy was just a housemate of a childminder friend I’d gotten to know at Jamie’s school.

Ann and I used to hang out at each other’s houses while our boys played together.  So my first few meetings with Pat were incidental – brief interactions during a flurry of noisy, stampeding boys needing after school snacks.  I was in ‘mum mode’ and, anyway, I had a background distraction still rolling with one man or another I was half involved with.  I wasn’t paying attention where it was due.  It took me a further couple of months to wake up.  And what a wake up call it was.

Towards the end of April, my much loved, dear, wise, loving gran was painfully dying in Scotland.  My sister was giving me bulletins every day, and I was waiting for news of her final passing.  Life was sharp.  My heart was so open.

Contrastingly, I was experiencing impossibly crossed wires with Martin no.2 and decided to finish it. The very night I broke it off he fell off his steep garden terrace and was hospitalised with a broken back.  I was shocked into further acute awakeness.

That same week (intuitively picking up on what was about to happen, I’m sure) I had my Spanish ex-lover from London on the phone asking for one last chance.  For the first and last time, I said ‘No’ properly.  It was after the sweat lodge prayer and I was crystal clear.  Now I was truly free from any involvment whatsoever.  I was free to pay attention where it was due.

On the Tuesday I arrived for a session of Holographic Repatterning with my friend Christina.  I had booked the session a week ago to help with my relationship with Jamie, but there was something else on the menu.

It soon emerged that the key theme I was ready to explore was meeting the right partner.  In the session, Christina revealled to me that I held the unconsious belief that ‘I could never meet a partner that could meet me on all levels’.  This was a core reason I had been compromising myself in other relationships.  She worked with me over 2 hours to shift this belief, and, three days later…

Pat was covering his childminder housemate’s shift for the day and we were looking after the boys together in the school yard.  (Actually, Ann had been trying to set us up for a while as Pat had already eyeballed me with great interest, but I hadn’t noticed).  It was the first chance Pat and I had to really talk.

I told him about Martin no.2 and the broken back.  Knowing a little about me he commented that it’s very difficult to have a relationship with someone who isn’t spiritual if you are yourself.  I liked him.  I liked the way he sat on a rock in the playground and looked like a cowboy from the wild west.

Although I didn’t know why, I agreed that I might meet him for a drink that night.  I was feeling incredibly sensitive and anti-social (and a pub is the last place I’d go at the best of times) but something led me into the Sea Trout Inn.

The Sea Trout was Pat’s regular drinking hole, just a stone’s throw from the cottage Christina had found for us to move into after our stay in the caravan.  I laid aside my puritanical Buddhist prejudices and was pleasantly surprised by the level of meaningful communication happening amongst the public bar locals.

Pat was typically animated and in full flood “You’ve gotta get outta yar head and intta yar heart” he was insisting.  He sounded like a cowboy too, or maybe one of those charismatic American preachers.

“A bit full on”  I thought to myself, but I was intrigued.  And then, suddenly, in the middle of all the passionate discussion, Pat and I gazed intently upon each other.  ‘I see you’, he said, slowly and knowingly.  ‘I see you too’, I replied with equal gravitas.

In that moment, we did indeed truly see one another.  It was like a lightening flash had struck and lit up the entire vast landscape of who we are.  The moment returned to darkness, but the flash revealed something forever.  In that moment I realised that I recognised Pat, that I knew him, and with that knowledge came the deepest trust and truest love.


We parted in the car park with us both feeling somewhat stunned.  “I lo…lo…lo…” Pat stammered.  He seemed to be saying something and stuffing it back into his mouth at the same time.  He looked as perplexed as I felt.  Was he trying to resist saying that he LOVES me?  Nah.  Surely not.

I went back to the cottage and received the news that my gran had just passed away.  Dear Gran.  Dear kind, loving, strong, simple, generous, understanding, fiesty, affectionate gran.  My spirit couldn’t help but elevate to commune with her and God and the afterlife and all of that other indecribable stuff that these words just don’t do justice to.  Her love and essence were filling the Devon skies and I just had to fly with her for a while.

As if in a dream, I found myself popping into the pub at Sunday lunchtime to find Pat.  It was completely unplanned.  All of a sudden I was there inviting him to take a walk on Dartmoor with me.

We talked about Gran and meditation.  Sitting by a rock pool, he told me he would have loved to study psychology if he’d ever been able to.  I told him that psychology had been my main subject at University.

Without thinking about it, I took his hand as we walked back to the car.  It was as though a greater force was acting through me.  I certainly didn’t have the where-with-all to acknowledge what was going on, or make any judgements with my head.  I was in the spontanieous and innocent world of my heart alright.

We shared our first kiss in the Sea Trout car park the next night.  I was preparing to go to Gran’s funeral later that week.  “Come… Back… To… Me…”  Pat said gently and plainly.  I’d already explained that I had a few romantic loose ends to tie up and couldn’t promise anything.  “Take whatever time you need”, he replied.

The day before I flew to Scotland, he appeared in the school playground at pick up time.  Pressing a rose quartz into my hand, he wished me well on my trip.  Keen interest and support, understanding and freedom.  This was a recipe for love.  I recognised these qualities from my ideal man list.

It took me another couple of weeks to fully absorb the significance of what was occurring, but in the aftermath of my gran’s funeral, it was a simple and inevitable fact that we would love each other and be together.  “Shall we love each other, then?” Pat had asked after an evening of endless, sublime kissing.  “Yes, let’s” I replied, but it didn’t really need an answer.

I’d never experienced anything like it.  There was no posturing or trying to impress each other and no attempts to hide our less favourable attributes – we were just relaxed and unselfconscious with each other from the very beginning.  And there was no question about whether or not we’d be together – no push-pull fear of rejection or of being overwhelmed, no insecurity whatsoever.

Likewise, there was no great destabilising intoxication – the feelings were immediate and profound, but our heads were clear and our feet were on the ground.  It was so straight forward – complete harmony, complete certainty – and left nothing to negotiate.

Sixteen months later, we were married, at a beautiful ceremony on the banks of the river Dart.


As I was to discover, Pat had also prepared well for the arrival of what he called a ‘divine relationship’ in his life.

A long time meditator like me, Pat had worked through all the issues raised by previous relationships.  He particularly practised forgiveness (including himself) and was unusually clear, more so than me, of the sort of relationship backlog that we often carry into future relationships (and mess up by referring back to ghosts instead of the person with us now).

He had also used a specific manifestation meditation to call his vision of a relationship into being.  Popularised and taught by Dr Wayne Dyer in the 90 s, this ancient practice brings together the power of the chakras, the voice, and creative visualisation.  We call it the Ah/Om meditation.

 Click Ah/Om meditation videos for full instruction and guidance on this manifestation meditation practice (filmed at one of my workshops).

 Most importantly of all, perhaps, Pat adopted an attitude that he referred to as ‘100% intention with 100% surrender’.  Although he was very clear about the partner he sought and would not compromise with less, he was also prepared for it not to happen and would be perfectly happy to stay alone should he not find his match.

This is the fine and paradoxical art of being open to one’s aspirations and creative possibilities while at the same time being fluid with our expectations.  Many people either don’t let themselves dream through fear of not suceeding or strangle their dreams by having too much at stake and therefore too desparate for them to come true.

Often we don’t let ourselves aspire by assuming we won’t succeed (‘Can’t have’), or corrupt our aspirations into egotistical ambitions by having too much self-worth at stake if they flounder (‘Must have’).

Either way, it betrays a lack of self-knowledge and self-belief.  When we see ourselves clearly and believe in ourselves, we don’t need to push things away or grab things towards us to shore up a hollow sense of ourselves.  We can allow things to be what they are, free from what we have invested in them.  In this freedom we can experience the natural flow of coming and going, and somewhat magically, all our true needs are satisfied (‘Having-ness’).

I didn’t believe that I could find someone who could meet me on all levels, so how could I HAVE that sort of relationship.  Pat certainly can meet me on all levels.

This relationship is easily the most satisfying and stimulating either of us has ever known on the domestic, physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual levels.  It is grounded and it is sacred.  We are plumming depths and scaling heights together that would have been hard to access alone.

Of course it is also intense and challenging.  We share so much.  As well as living together and joining our families, we co-created our first coaching practice, Thrivecraft.

One day last year, I came across the description of the ideal partner I wrote all that time ago.  As Pat and I re-read it together, I was filled with a strange, joyful realisation.  The man who those words described was now nuzzling my neck, sharing my life and my deepest aspirations.

It’s amazing what we can magnetise into our lives with clear intention and positivity.  Now I understand a little more about those compelling forces that brought me to Devon.


Order your advance-publication signed copy NOW!

My new book  Diving for Pearls: The Wise Woman’s Guide to Finding Love

is being published on the 29th September 2017.

There are a limited number of advance-publication signed copies

now available directly from me.

Price (inc post)

UK – £15

Outside UK – £18

Your copy will be posted 1st Class from UK

within 3 days of payment being received.

Buy Now

Buy your copy of Diving for Pearls here

via Paypal (click below)

BUY NOW – UK- £15

BUY NOW – non UK – £18


Dive For Your Pearls

This book is part true love story and part how-to guide. In these pages, I take you with me on the spiritual adventure of my life and share how I eventually found what I was longing for – deep trust in my own inner wisdom and a true love, soul mate and life partner that can meet me on all levels. Along with the story, I share the insights and learning that lit the way for me with the hope that this will also help illuminate your path of love and wisdom.

My quest for wisdom began when I was a child, trying to figure out if church had the answers to life’s big questions. Continuing by studying psychology at university, I was profoundly affected by the death of my father and discovered the practice of meditation. For nearly two decades thereafter, I trained for and became an ordained Buddhist.

But wisdom wasn’t enough. Although denying it for many years, deep down I also ached to be properly partnered by a soul mate – a true love that shared every aspect of my life. A series of experiences finally brought me to fulfill that destiny and the ensuing spiritual renaissance resulted in the resigning of my ordination and the founding of Thrivecraft – an inspirational coaching practice providing a universal path of love and wisdom for all.

Echoing my own journey, the first half of Pearls is about inner wisdom. Along with this part of my story, I share tips and teachings on meditation, mindfulness and intuition so that you too can tune in to your own natural inner wisdom.

The second half focuses on finding true love and includes my ‘Get Ready For Love’ step-by-step guide. I also describe how inner wisdom continues to serve a deepening relationship once you’ve met a partner (or, indeed, reveals when it is time to move on).

It is my dear wish that you will be inspired by my story and tips, transported by a special ‘Ask Your Inner Wisdom’ meditation I have created and recapture your natural entitlement to be completely guided and supported in all that you do. Go ahead and find the kind of love and wisdom that you so desire and so deserve. Dive for your pearls – they are right here and they are all yours.

Maggie Kay


Become a Thrivecraft Coach – New Dates

Accredited Thrivecraft

Coach Training

with Maggie Kay

Become an IICT accredited

Thrivecraft Life Coach

New training programme

October 2016 – June 2017


Is Thrivecraft Coach training for you? 

*  Train and qualify as an accredited Thrivecraft Coach

*  Acquire powerful tools to make a difference in the world

*  Receive business training to succeed in your coaching practice


Thrivecraft is Maggie Kay’s unique blend

of life, business and spiritual coaching.

Thrivecraft is a registered modality

and approved as a training provider by the

International Institute of Complimentary Therapists (IICT).

The IICT accredits Thrivecraft coach training and

meditation teacher courses, allowing graduates to become

members of the IICT and acquire professional insurance.

Click Accredited by the IICT to find out more

The Thrivecraft Coach Training Programme includes:

Home study and once a month group training

at a stunning 100 acre, riverside, country retreat

near Saltash, Cornwall, SW England

* 6 x group Sunday tutorials

* 3 x group weekend workshops

* 3 x one-to-one mentoring sessions with Maggie Kay

* Study materials including life coaching and business documents,

workshop videos, tutorial videos, recommended reading

* Home study / case studies / supervision / assignment


Apply Now

For more info and / or application



Message from Maggie Kay

“I am thrilled to have been running the Thrivecraft Coach training programme since 2013 – the tenth anniversary of my Coaching Practice, Thrivecraft.

The vision to foster a community of  Thrivecraft Associates and train a team of accredited Thrivecraft Coaches has been been there right from the beginning.  And here we are, all these years later, passing on our special formula of Thrivecraft skills and resources.

During our programme, I’ll be sharing thirty years worth of training, skills and experience and teaching you everything I have.”

 Awakening Quote 1C (1)

Image supplied courtesy of Kimberley Jones –
Designed by Jennifer Cairns of Daybreak Design:


Calling inspired change makers

Coaches. Therapists. Practitioners. Trainers. Consultants.

Educators. Care professionals. Community & charity workers.

Social entrepreneurs. Ethical business people. Eco entrepreneurs.

Media creators. Artists. Musicians. Performers.


Apply Now

For more info and/or application pack,



Thrivecraft Coach Training Programme

October 2016 – June 2017

Oct / Nov / Dec     Module 1: Life Coaching Essentials – Skills, Tools and Guidelines

Oct 15 – 16:  Set Your Life Free – complete life coaching process – workshop (& video)

Nov 13:    Training and tutorial day – life coaching skills and coaching practice

Dec 11:     Training and tutorial day – life coaching skills and coaching practice

Home study (videos) of workshop – Essential Life Coaching Skills including EFT and NLP

Home study of Maggie Kay’s Newcastle College Life Coaching certified course

Home study of 10+ video extracts featuring Maggie’s teachings at previous tutorials

Personal mentoring session 1 (on personal study) with Maggie Kay

Jan / Feb / Mar    Module 2: Putting Thrivecraft into Practice – Case studies

Jan 22:      Training and tutorial day – preparing for case studies and coaching practice

Feb 19:    Training and tutorial day – case studies and coaching practice

Mar 18 – 19:  Soulful Business Booster – branding, marketing, clients and pricing workshop

Home study of Maggie Kay’s Do-Be-Do (ILM) Business Coaching certified course

Home study of 10+ video extracts featuring Maggie’s teachings at previous tutorials

Case studies:   3 x case studies consisting of 6 x 1.5 hour sessions.  Keep records.

Personal mentoring session 2 (on business plans) with Maggie Kay

Apr / May / Jun    Module 3: Becoming a Thrivecraft Coach – Completion and graduation

Apr 16:   Training and tutorial day – coaching supervision and assessment

May 21:  Training and tutorial day – coaching supervision and assessment

Jun 17 – 18:  Say Yes to Abundance workshop with graduation ceremony

Complete study, case studies & business planning.

Submit written assignment and completion statement.

Personal mentoring session 3 (on training completion) with Maggie Kay


Apply Now

For more info and / or application pack



The accredited Thrivecraft Coach training includes the following workshops:

Set Your Life Free

Complete Life Coaching Process

shaman woman

An inspiring, powerful and warm-hearted workshop

to refresh your life and set it in a new direction.

REVIEW your current life situations and relationships

CONNECT with your true purpose and ideal life

MELT AWAY doubts and obstacles

CREATE a do-able onward plan

ACTIVATE your magic

A complete Life Coaching programme in weekend format.

As well as standard Life Coaching processes, this uplifting and inspiring weekend will be laced with powerful teachings and meditations that bring magic into your everyday life.

With a mixture of interactive practical exercises, talks and guided contemplation, there will be opportunities to ask questions and give your comments along the way.

And there will be plenty of time to connect with other participants – typically a high quality group of open minded, friendly people.


Say Yes to Abundance

Opening the Flow of Money and Prosperity

buddha mandala

 An inspiring, powerful and warm-hearted workshop to

* DISCOVER your unique soul-path to prosperity

*  CLEAR AWAY habitual money worry and crippling doubts

*LIBERATE your natural gifts and appreciate your true worth

* CREATE inspiring, soulful money-making ideas and plans

*  FIRE-UP your enthusiasm and set yourself into joyful action

This workshop has been specially created to help you make a shift in consciousness and allow abundance to flow into your life.

To generate enthusiasm, ideas and plans to take action with an authentic heart and fulfilled soul.

Boost your income.  Grow your business.  Up-level your prosprity.

Attract good fortune.  Create synchronicity.

Feel free and joyful.


Maggie Kay (then known as Srimati) talks to Karen Davies about the first ever Say Yes to Abundance workshop.


Soulful Business Booster

Brand, Price and Market Your Coaching Practice

Attract Ideal Clients With Ease

 blue buddha face

* GAIN a stronger sense of who you are, your true purpose,

and the unique gifts you have to offer the world.

* LEARN the magical art of how to magnetise

your ideal clients, customers, investors and collaborators.

   * CLAIM your true self and do what you love.

* CREATE prosperity with authenticity and grace.

* ATTRACT opportunities, synchronicity and flow.

Guided by Maggie & harnessing the visionary input of the group,

you will develop a clear sense of your next steps

towards greater creative expression, prosperity and fulfillment.

Thrivecraft combines spiritual intelligence with practical know-how

to activate a rewarding shift in your life and business.


Study video of workshop

Thrivecraft Coaching Skills

Including NLP and EFT

With Maggie Kay

and Thrivecraft Associates

Elisabeth Stirling (NLP)

and Bill Tucker (EFT)

Life and Business Coaching skills for professionals, teachers, educators, coaches, therapists, business people and for personal, relationships and home life.

Maggie Kay is founder of Maggie Kay Wisdom and Thrivecraft.

Elisabeth Stirling is a NLP Master Practitioner and voice coach

Bill Tucker is an expert Practitioner in EFT and German New Medicine


Kate Harris – juice detox retreat expert

has found ‘her people’ and feels ecstatic

Caroline travels from Switzerland to attend

and explains why it is well worth the trip.


Apply Now

For more info and / or application pack



Soulful Marketing Workshop

Soulful Marketing

Thrivecraft Workshop

with Maggie Kay

Totnes, Devon, UK

Sat 12 / Sun 13 March 2016

An inspiring weekend workshop learning how to

attract ideal clients or customers and increase income

– soulfully

 blue buddha face

Combining practical business know-how with spiritual intelligence.

Many of us are self employed practitioners or running our own small business.  Between us, we offer a fantastic array of ethical products and services, inspired to help make the world a better place.  We love what we do, but for some, the actual business side of things isn’t our strong point, especially when it comes to selling, marketing and making enough money.

Having founded Thrivecraft in 2003, Maggie Kay quickly identified the need to offer business coaching to many of her life coaching clients who were struggling to make the most of their soulful business.  Combining her background in ethical business with her experience of spiritual intelligence, the popular course Mind Your Own Business was born.

Maggie Kay is once again offering a business boosting Thrivecraft workshop for ethical entrepreneurs and practitioners.  On March 12/13, SOULFUL MARKETING guides participants through the practical and magical ways to find your niche, get known, attract ideal clients and customers, and increase income – without selling your soul.

The workshop is hosted by the Totnes Natural Health Centre and costs only £149.  (There are three places at £99 for those who need a concession).  The magical part of this workshop means that participants often make their investment back by attracting new business almost immediately!

Be your true self and do what you love.

Create prosperity with authenticity and grace.

Attract opportunities, synchronicity and flow.

Thrivecraft – Practical and Magical.

For More info and to book,  click below

Eventbrite - Soulful Marketing 2016


What are Thrivecraft workshops like?

Here’s what two participants had to say:


Kate Harris, juice detox expert, has found ‘her people’

and feels ecstatic


Caroline travels from Switzerland to attend

and explains why it is well worth the trip!


Inner Wisdom on Amit Kainth TV Show

Hot off the press – my episode as the guest on the Amit Kainth TV Show!

Amit is asking me about inner wisdom – Does everyone have inner wisdom?  How do we tell inner wisdom from other, less helpful, inner voices?  How do we access inner wisdom?  And I guide a short experience of consulting our inner wisdom.

Here is the full recording of the show which was aired on Sky TV channel Star Plus in July.

Discover Your Inner Wisdom

5 Day Discovery Programme

Here is my new home study programme to discover and make great use of your own, reliable inner wisdom.

Equipped with this magical personal resource, you will be able to find answers to questions, solve problems and make decisions from the deeper, wiser part of yourself that knows best.

trust wisdom of soul

This easy, uplifting and powerful programme enables you to find, activate and consult with your own ever-ready, trustworthy inner wisdom.

Simply relax each day with a short guided meditation, video lesson and bonus resource to take you on your transformational journey (approx 30 minutes a day at your convenience).

Waking up your wisdom is a life changer!


The benefits to you

The Wake Up Your Wisdom discovery programme equips you to:

                          – Easily connect with your own powerful source of inner wisdom

                          – Relax into a simple, fast and effective meditation practice

                          – Answer questions, solve problems and make wise decisions

                          – Develop intuition and discover when to trust your hunches

                          – Feel calm, clear, positive and confident in everyday life

Huge thanks to the amazing team at Source TV who have supported me to launch this exciting new programme.

Wake Up Your Wisdom – 5 Day Discovery Programme

For more details

and to download the programme

Click – Wake Up Your Wisdom

Soulful Marketing

Soulful Marketing

Thrivecraft Workshop

with Maggie Kay

Totnes, Devon, UK

Sat 14 / Sun 15 March 2015

An inspiring weekend workshop learning how to

attract ideal clients or customers and increase income

– without selling your soul!

 MaggieKay-AD final

Combining practical business know-how with spiritual intelligence

Many of us are self employed practitioners or running our own small business.  Between us, we offer a fantastic array of ethical products and services, inspired to help make the world a better place.  We love what we do, but for some, the actual business side of things isn’t our strong point, especially when it comes to selling, marketing and making enough money.

Having founded Thrivecraft in 2003, Maggie Kay quickly identified the need to offer business coaching to many of her life coaching clients who were struggling to make the most of their soulful business.  Combining her background in ethical business with her experience of spiritual intelligence, the popular course Mind Your Own Business was born.

For the first time in many years, Maggie Kay is once again offering a business boosting Thrivecraft workshop for ethical entrepreneurs and practitioners.  On March 14/15, SOULFUL MARKETING guides participants through the practical and magical ways to find your niche, get known, attract ideal clients and customers, and increase income – without selling your soul.

The workshop is hosted by the Totnes Natural Health Centre and costs £149.  (There are three places at £99 for those who need a concession).  The magical part of this workshop means that participants often make their investment back by attracting new business almost immediately!


Be your true self and do what you love.

Create prosperity with authenticity and grace.

Attract opportunities, synchronicity and flow.

Thrivecraft – Practical and Magical.

For more info and to book, click orange button below:

Eventbrite - Soulful Marketing Thrivecraft

 In this video, filmed five years ago when I was still known as Srimati, I share some tips on how to launch and develop a business with author and leadership coach, Nick Williams of

Meditation and New Year Angels

For me, 2015 started with much excitement as I began printing out the manuscript of the book I have been writing for the last nine months – Diving for Pearls: Discovering Inner Wisdom – new book from Maggie Kay.  The pages were literally rolling out of the printer on the stroke of midnight, much to my delight at having completed it.

In fact, I watched the new year London fireworks on TV with the first few chapters in one hand and my wonderful husband Pat’s hand in the other, buzzing because I had just managed to finish writing my first good draft that evening.  I had been aiming to complete my book by the end of the year, but had given myself some licence to go over that if necessary.  When I realised I was nearly there on the morning of the 31st, however, I went all out to get it done in time for the dawn of 2015, forgoing meals and typing with happy fervour.

At Pat’s suggestion, we read out a chapter to each other before bed in the wee hours. I hadn’t shared my book with anyone before so was thrilled that he absolutely loved it and can’t wait to read it all.  I feel so supported by Pat who has been nudging me to get on with book writing for years.  And now I’ve finally done it!

Things took an interesting turn on New Year’s day when our Jeep broke down while food shopping in the neighboring village.  Yet, even that was somewhat charmed because a lovely young farmer man with typical practical confidence and know-how spent an hour trying to start it – a bearded angel in oily jeans and a pick-up truck.  I had actually put out a prayer for a mechanical angel to show up, and he did!

Despite his good-willed attempts, this angel didn’t manage to get the Jeep going, bless him, but my sister Katy, who lives in the village, kept me company at her house and supplied me with tea while we waited for my vehicle recovery service. (She also bought the helpful young man some bottles of beer as a thank you which he appreciated).  As I was there, I helped Katy get some boxes into her attic and she passed on to me some lovely clothes that she no longer needed.

The recovery guy got the Jeep started first time with the help of some injector fuel (or something – I don’t quite understand) and an enormous set of jump leads, and I was able to drive home. Pat was waiting to help me unpack the shopping, having been tipped off by Katy by phone that all was well.

So, although it was dark and raining by the time I got back and things hadn’t at all gone according to plan that day, I was left feeling totally blessed, supported and loved by beautiful caring people – whether strangers or family.

I actually kind of enjoyed the whole adventure, and am reminded that if we meet ‘adversity’ with that spirit of love and acceptance, we can have fun and encounter much goodwill and human kindness along the way.

As I have just been explaining in my new book, Diving for Pearls, I nearly always find the silver lining in any clouds that come my way these days.  I put this down to the clarity and positivity that my experience of meditation brings into my heart, mind and soul.  The awareness – or mindfulness as it is often called – generated by meditation gives you the opportunity to respond creatively to things that happen to you and draw good fortune to you.  This means that you can truly be master of your own universe and encourage things to turn out for the best.

If you are thinking about learning to meditate or having some support with an existing practice, I have a wonderful homestudy online meditation course available which results in a qualification as an accredited Thrivecraft Meditation Practitioner.

This easy-going four week course gives you tips and support as well as a thorough introduction to four fantastic meditation techniques that foster mindfulness, positivity, manifestation power and inner wisdom.  Simply watch the videos, listen to the audios and try out the guidelines I am laying out for you.

As a special encouragement to help you establish your new meditation rhythm early in the new year, I have decided to offer this course at 25% off until the 31st January 2015.

To claim your 25% discount, click on ‘enter promotional code’ on the Eventbrite booking page, and enter the code newyearoffer – this will reduce the quoted course price by 25%.

So what are you waiting for?  Click right here to find out more and have a sparkling start to 2015.

Happy New Year!

Eventbrite - Thrivecraft Meditation Practitioner - Certified Course

Thrivecraft Meditation

Practitioner Certificate

With Maggie Kay

Online home study course – 4 wk

Thorough, enjoyable, relaxed and friendly

instruction and practice in meditation

Thrivecraft Practitioner Certificate

Principles   *   Technique   *   Preparation   *   Practice

 Suitable for experienced and new meditators alike

Wk 1 - 1 

Four meditation techniques taught and guided

Talks on related topics

Home practice instruction

Participant experiences, comments and Q&As

Two hours of video per week/ meditation (approx)

Links to bonus videos

Written materials (e-documents)

 Meditation Practices Covered:

Mindfulness of Breathing

Development of Loving Kindness

Ah / Om Manifestation

Ask Your Inner Wisdom

Week 1.  Mindfulness

What is meditation, introduction to practitioner course, posture for meditation, what is mindfulness, mindfulness of breathing meditation explained, guided mindfulness of breathing practice.

Week 2.  Loving Kindness

Q&A on mindfulness, higher consciousness with meditation, loving kindness meditation explained, guided loving kindness practice.

Week 3.  Manifestation

Q&A on loving kindness, hinderances to meditation, antidotes to hinderances, principles of manifestation, Ah/Om manifestation meditation explained, guided Ah/Om manifestation practice.

Week 4.  Inner Wisdom

Q&A on Ah/Om manifestation, what is inner wisdom, Ask Your Inner Wisdom meditation explained, guided Ask Your Inner Wisdom practice, where to go from here.


  The Thrivecraft Practitioner Certificate is a prerequisite

for the Thrivecraft Meditation Teacher Certificate


Thrivecraft is an Approved Training Provider

Accredited by the IICT


For more information and to book the

home study online audio/video course

click orange button below:

to claim your 25% discount

enter the promotional code newyearoffer

Eventbrite - Thrivecraft Meditation Practitioner - Certified Course


In this video extract from meditation practitioner course, below, Maggie Kay describes the benefits of meditation.

Wake Up Your Wisdom – easy online course

5 Day Discovery Programme

I am delighted to announce the launch of my brand new home study programme to discover and make great use of your own, reliable inner wisdom.

Equipped with this magical personal resource, you will be able to find answers to questions, solve problems and make decisions from the deeper, wiser part of yourself that knows best.

trust wisdom of soul

This easy, uplifting and powerful programme enables you to find, activate and consult with your own ever-ready, trustworthy inner wisdom.

Simply relax each day with a short guided meditation, video lesson and bonus resource to take you on your transformational journey (approx 30 minutes a day at your convenience).

Waking up your wisdom is a life changer!


The benefits to you

The Wake Up Your Wisdom discovery programme equips you to:

                          – Easily connect with your own powerful source of inner wisdom

                          – Relax into a simple, fast and effective meditation practice

                          – Answer questions, solve problems and make wise decisions

                          – Develop intuition and discover when to trust your hunches

                          – Feel calm, clear, positive and confident in everyday life

Huge thanks to the amazing team at Source TV who have supported me to launch this exciting new programme.

Wake Up Your Wisdom – 5 Day Discovery Programme

For more details

and to download the programme

Click – Wake Up Your Wisdom

Set Your Life Free – workshop coming soon!

Set Your Life Free 2014

Thrivecraft Life Coaching Workshop

With Maggie Kay

Totnes, Devon, UK

Sat 18 / Sun 19 October

shaman woman

An inspiring, powerful and warm-hearted workshop

to refresh your life and set it in a new direction.

REVIEW your current life situations and relationships

CONNECT with your true purpose and ideal life

MELT AWAY doubts and obstacles

CREATE a do-able onward plan

ACTIVATE your magic

A complete Life Coaching programme in weekend format.

As well as standard Life Coaching processes, this uplifting and inspiring weekend will be laced with powerful teachings and meditations that bring magic into your everyday life.

With a mixture of interactive practical exercises, talks and guided contemplation, there will be opportunities to ask questions and give your comments along the way.

And there will be plenty of time to connect with other participants – typically a high quality group of open minded, friendly people.

At the Totnes Natural Health Centre

Near the Royal Seven Stars Hotel

Near Totnes, Devon, UK

For more info and to book, click orange button below:

Eventbrite - Set Your Life Free 2014 - Thrivecraft Life Coaching Course with Maggie Kay

How is your writing going, Maggie?

As many of you know, my main focus this summer is completing the writing of my first book – something I’ve been working up to for many years.  Understandably, the first question I am asked these days is usually “How is your writing going, Maggie?”

In April, I had the extraordinary fortune of winning 1st place on a scholarship programme which means I am being personally mentored for six months by the brilliant and lovely Julia McCutchen, founder of the International Association of Conscious and Creative Writers.  (Find out more about Julia below and at )

And so, when Julia invited me to follow her on an ‘intuitive writers’ blog tour’ to share more about my current writing, I was only too pleased to take part.

The idea is that, when invited to do so by the writer before us, we answer four questions about our writing and post a blog about it.  We then invite another writer to follow us on the tour to do likewise.

So here are my answers to the questions…


What am I working on now?

I am working on completing my first book – Diving for Pearls: How to Discover Your Inner Wisdom.

It feels amazing to be able to state that so clearly – quite a landmark announcement, in fact – as I have only just finally decided which book to complete out of several book ideas that have been fitting and starting for years.

Julia encouraged me to remain patient and “live the question until the answer reveals itself”, and in the end, the decision on which book to focus on for completion came suddenly, spontaneously and unshakeably.  I just KNEW that this is the one.  What had all that agonising been about?

Reviewing all the articles, courses, blogs, workshops, journals, videos and audios I have produced in recent years, it is starkly obvious that what I am most passionate and inspired about is the beauty and power of harnessing our inner wisdom.  I am known as the Inner Wisdom Coach, after all – of course that’s what I want to write about first!

And so, Diving for Pearls is about how we can connect with and use our own inner wisdom along with encouraging stories from my own experience.  My wish is for this book to be the kind of warm, wise, companion handbook that I would have liked by my side in earlier years.

How does my writing process work?

I have learned a HUGE amount about the book writing process during these last few months.  I have been a writer all my life, in one way or another, but Julia was right when she told me that creating a book is a very different process to other sorts of writing.

In May, I attended Julia’s fantastic four day Conscious Writers’ Retreat, which was a complete immersion in the holistic writing process that Julia teaches so beautifully.  (I can’t wait for her forthcoming book, Conscious Writing, to come out!)  And so, I feel my book writing process has had the best possible elucidation and support, right from the start.

This month, I have decided to focus on my book every morning, usually for two or three hours, before getting on with any other work.  (This follows writing my journal and a brief reflection / meditation practice which I like to do first thing every day.)  Julia has encouraged me to establish a daily writing rhythm, even if only for half an hour, and I am appreciating the momentum of this.

One of the things I absorbed early on is that actual writing isn’t the only activity involved in writing a book.  Nurturing the whole body and soul, stimulating the imagination and allowing creativity to arise are also important.  Julia speaks of writing words being just the tip of the iceberg.  So this bit of time ‘working on my book’ every morning, might involve one of several activities.  More often than not, however, I am in the conservatory on the laptop, preferring to bring in the other elements of holistic, conscious writing at other times of the day.

More than half way into the scholarship programme, I discovered that most of the writing for this book has already been done.  For the last few weeks, I have been compiling the material I have already written, and transcribing videos where I have been teaching inner wisdom on my workshops and courses.  It is rather wonderful to realise that I am so much closer to completing my first draft than I thought!

How does my work differ from others in my genre?

Because I am connected with so many kindred spirits – authors, coaches, speakers, teachers – it can seem like everyone is writing similar books to me.  But this isn’t so.  It is very true that each of us has a unique message, a unique voice and a unique audience waiting to receive what we are inspired to share.

Having said that, I did have a start when a successful Hay House author, Becky Walsh, recently published a book about intuition called You Do Know.  I wondered if she had written the book I was meant to write because, five years ago, I was talking to Hay House about my proposal to write a book on intuition called You Know Best.  Now that Becky had pipped me to the post, was there still room in the market for another similar book?

As it happens, only last week, I finally put this concern down.  I noticed that Julia was broadcasting a recent interview with Becky.  As I listened, I realised that Becky was approaching the topic of intuition from a completely different angle, based on her unique life experience and passions.  As well as enjoying Becky’s perspective and contribution on the subject, I was left feeling encouraged and reassured that I have something quite different to share.

Diving for Pearls (the title that replaced You Know Best), is about inner wisdom rather than just intuition.  It draws on my deep knowledge of meditation and Buddhism (having been an ordained Buddhist Minister in my former vocation) as well as my last 12 years experiencing other mystical wisdom.  The book is practical as well as inspiring and has an accompanying guided meditation – Ask Your Inner Wisdom.

Since founding Thrivecraft in 2003, I have been translating my learning and insight into contemporary, non-religious, accessible, everyday know-how through my coaching and teaching.  I haven’t considered myself to be a Buddhist for many years, preferring to embrace a more universal vocation.  I value connecting with all sorts of people regardless of their spiritual framework.

My hope is that Diving for Pearls will bring alive these powerful wisdom teachings in a fresh, relevant and user-friendly way, empowering hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of people worldwide with the gifts of their own inner wisdom.

Why do I write what I do?

You know, I’m not sure I can answer that.  I have no idea!  It just happens, like breathing.  Writing is what I do to engage with life, and the subject – inner wisdom, or whatever I am writing about – is simply whatever fascinates me.

In some ways, I cannot understand how I have got to the age of 50 and have not yet published a single book.  I have a sense that being a published book author is part of my destiny (several of my friends and I have had prophetic meditations, dreams and visions indicating that I will be).  And now, with Julia’s help and the emergence of Diving for Pearls, it seems I am finally on my way to fulfilling that destiny.


Thanks for the invite, Julia!

Julia's image

Julia McCutchen

Julia is an author, intuitive coach and mentor, and the founder & creative director of the International   Association of Conscious & Creative Writers (IACCW).

Following a successful career as a publisher of books on spiritual and personal development (Element and Random House), a life changing accident in 1999 triggered a series of major quantum leaps in her own spiritual awakening. She left the world of publishing to prioritise exploring the deepest mystery of conscious and creative truth.

Today, Julia teaches conscious (self-realisation) creativity (self-expression), and conscious writing, and is dedicated to opening the way for people to wake up to the truth of who they are, and live consciously and creatively in the world

Julia is the author of The Writer’s Journey: From Inspiration to Publication and Conscious Writing (forthcoming).

Find out more about Julia at

Who is next on the tour?

As soon as Julia invited me to participate in the blog tour, I knew instantly who I wanted to ask to follow me – my gorgeous, soul sister, intuitive author friend, Kimberely Jones.  And she said yes!

Look out for Kimberely’s blog next week where she will tell us all about her writing work.  I am sure you will love browsing what Kimberley has to offer, and in the meantime, here’s a little more about her:-

Kimberley's image

Kimberley Jones

Kimberley is a 4th generation intuitive ‘seer’ and mystic and an award-winning spiritual mentor. She is also an intuitive writer, artist and filmmaker.

Her purpose in this lifetime is as a ‘spiritual midwife’ for the re-emergence of the Divine Feminine in the real lives of real women.

In 1998 she experienced a profound transformation and spiritual awakening following the passing of her mother. Kimberley’s extraordinary story of awakening has been the subject of psychological research, several books and is currently being turned into a film.

Kimberley now works from home using her experience, gifts, training and wisdom to empower women as they awaken to their true essence.

Find out more about Kimberely at


Wake Up your

5 Day Discovery Programme

I am delighted to announce the launch of my brand new home study programme to discover and make great use of your own, reliable inner wisdom.

Equipped with this magical personal resource, you will be able to find answers to questions, solve problems and make decisions from the deeper, wiser part of yourself that knows best.

trust wisdom of soul

This easy, uplifting and powerful programme enables you to find, activate and consult with your own ever-ready, trustworthy inner wisdom.

Simply relax each day with a short guided meditation, video lesson and bonus resource to take you on your transformational journey (approx 30 minutes a day at your convenience).

Waking up your wisdom is a life changer!


The benefits to you

The Wake Up Your Wisdom discovery programme equips you to:

                      – Easily connect with your own powerful source of inner wisdom

                      – Relax into a simple, fast and effective meditation practice

                       – Answer questions, solve problems and make wise decisions

                       – Develop intuition and discover when to trust your hunches

                       – Feel calm, clear, positive and confident in everyday life

Huge thanks to the amazing team at Source TV who have supported me to launch this exciting new programme.

Wake Up Your Wisdom – 5 Day Discovery Programme

For more details

and to download the programme

Click – Wake Up Your Wisdom

Wake Up Your Wisdom – in 5 Days!

5 Day Discovery Programme

I am delighted to announce the launch of my brand new home study programme to discover and make great use of your own, reliable inner wisdom.

Equipped with this magical personal resource, you will be able to find answers to questions, solve problems and make decisions from the deeper, wiser part of yourself that knows best.

trust wisdom of soul

This easy, uplifting and powerful programme enables you to find, activate and consult with your own ever-ready, trustworthy inner wisdom.

Simply relax each day with a short guided meditation, video lesson and bonus resource to take you on your transformational journey (approx 30 minutes a day at your convenience).

Waking up your wisdom is a life changer!


The benefits to you

The Wake Up Your Wisdom discovery programme equips you to:

                      – Easily connect with your own powerful source of inner wisdom

                      – Relax into a simple, fast and effective meditation practice

                       – Answer questions, solve problems and make wise decisions

                       – Develop intuition and discover when to trust your hunches

                       – Feel calm, clear, positive and confident in everyday life

Huge thanks to the amazing team at Source TV who have supported me to launch this exciting new programme.

Wake Up Your Wisdom – 5 Day Discovery Programme

For more details

and to download the programme

Click – Wake Up Your Wisdom

Spirituality in Business with Nick Williams

In the course of researching my existing material for my forthcoming book, I came across some interesting video chats with the very lovely and fascinating, Nick Williams.  So, I thought I would share some…

Nick is a much loved author (his first book is called The Work We Are Born to Do), Coach and broadcaster, sharing fantastic inspiration, particularly to entrepreneurs and within the business sector.

Nick’s website –

I was amazed to realise that we filmed these videos almost five years ago – just at the beginning of my adventure connecting with some great people via social media and making films of our chats.

In fact, it was Nick who told me about the nifty Flip camera which I subsequently got for myself and have filmed dozens of films on since.  (Note, we hadn’t quite mastered the sound at this stage, so it is not the best sound quality).

In this pair of videos, I am asking Nick how he integrates his spiritual life into his practical, business life.


Ask Your Inner Wisdom

A few years ago I had the great pleasure of meeting with Judy Piatkus (founder of the UK’s ground breaking independent mind/body/spirit publishing company, Piatkus Books) and chatting with her about how to connect with and use inner wisdom and intuition in our lives.

In this informal chat in a London hotel lounge, Judy asks me some great questions.  Have a watch and lift your day (and maybe even transform your life!)

In the first video, part 1, she asks

– can anyone access inner wisdom?

– are women more adept at connecting with their intuition than men?

– how do you know recognise true wisdom?

And in the second video, part 2, she wants to know

– how we can use our intuition in everyday situations?

– do you you have to be a meditator or a spiritual person to connect with inner wisdom?

– how to cultivate inner wisdom?

– how to carry inner wisdom around with you, even in busy, noisy places like London?

If you would like a hand connecting with your own inner wisdom, do download my specially created guided meditation – Ask Your Inner Wisdom below.

This beautiful, quick and easy guided meditation has been crafted from my 30 years experience of practicing and teaching many different meditations to provide the perfect way in to your own inner wisdom.

Ask Your Inner Wisdom

guided meditation by

Maggie Kay

A quick and easy guided meditation

taking you effortlessly into your own source of inner wisdom.

Find intuitive answers and brilliant solutions

for everyday questions, problems and decisions

in life, love and business.

To listen to the first two minutes,

click Inner Wisdom Meditation – 2 min taster



Buy mp3 download

Ask Your Inner Wisdom

1 track – 20 mins


MP3 Buy Now – instant download

Buy Now


“Your meditation is beautiful and very powerful.

  I love the dreamy music and your velvety voice – heaven!

  As part of my journey of inner discovery, I will listen to this often.

 Thank you for helping me to find my true self.

Charlotte Turner, artist.


This meditation has been specially created by Maggie Kay to take you deep into your own inner wisdom to find answers to personal questions.

Allow Maggie’s voice and the haunting yet uplifting music to lead you on an effortless journey to find solutions and resolve dilemmas in your life, love and business.

During the course of 20 minutes, you will find yourself relaxing into a deep source of nourishment and wisdom and finding an answer to an everyday or pressing problem.

Suitable for all, Ask Your Inner Wisdom is an easy, enjoyable meditation that will delight you with its beauty and power.

Return as often as you like to plumb the depths of your own inner wisdom – a source of direction beyond our usual ‘thinking mind’ that is wise, trustworthy and leads to the very best outcomes.

Just find a comfortable place to sit where you will be undisturbed for a while, close your eyes, and away you go…


Buy mp3 download

Ask Your Inner Wisdom

1 track – 20 mins


MP3 Buy Now – instant download

Buy Now


Relaxing into Writing My Book

I guess you could call it irony…

Today started with big guns.  It is THE day when I’d written and circled the word WRITING in my diary.  A week or so before, with a genuine, happy, loud fanfare of celebration, I’d already announced the great news that I’d won a writing scholarship and was about to embark on writing my first book.

I woke early after nearly three weeks of Easter holiday lie-ins and prepared to drive my son Jamie into college.  Making the packed lunch and all went smoothly and I even had time to write my ‘morning pages’ (a new practice to support my book writing) before Jamie requested that I iron his trousers.

Jamie seemed to be in ‘up and at it’ spirit too and asked that we get to college early for a change.  We set off ahead of schedule and had one of the quickest journeys in we’ve ever had.  Not a single vehicle crossed us as we travelled through the country lanes to the main road, and certainly no sign of the horses, tractors and school traffic that we usually have to negotiate.  The sun was shining and the spring scenery breathtaking.  We duly arrived 15 minutes early – a first.

And so by 9.15am I was back home again.   This was IT!  I took my place in the conservatory, laptop at the ready, and communed with my inner guidance.  Quite plausibly, my guidance suggested that I listen to my inner wisdom meditation and write from there.  Sounded like a lovely idea.  Why not?

Strangely, my meditation was a bit stifled.  I didn’t really receive a clear message, just something mumbly about inner treasure.  Fair enough, I created a file on my laptop called Book on Inner Treasure and started to write in a new document titled Why I Want to Write this Book.

A hundred and fifty mediocre words squeezed out of me.  (I didn’t like them.  I didn’t connect with them.)  And then I dried up completely…

I noticed that my mouth was dry, energy dropping, heart sinking, and stomach knotting.  There was an increasing pressure on my head and it was beginning to ache.  I couldn’t think straight.  I had no ‘juice’, no inspiration.  Why DID I want to write this book?  I couldn’t remember.  “Oh my God I have a whole book to write and I don’t know what to say!  I can’t recall what I want to write about, how, why, who for – anything!”

Memories of how I used to feel the day before exams played out in my mind.  I was a keen student and always did well, but the day before exams, I often had a meltdown, doubting myself, going to my mum in tears telling her I was going to fail.  She would reassure me that it didn’t matter, and knowing she loved me anyway gave me permission to fail.  Having gained that permission,  I felt free to do well or not to do well, and that meant I relaxed and did very well indeed.

So today, it seemed like I was experiencing that old performance anxiety again.  I have been approaching this great occasion – the writing of my book – for about seven years.  During that time there have been three or four near misses when I’ve got very close to getting on with the writing.  But it never actually happened – all for plausible enough reasons, but  sometimes I taunt myself about it.  Can I really do it?  Can I really actually write a book?

Today, all that self-doubt and all that uncertainty was back – right there in the pit of my stomach, right there sitting on my head like a ton weight.  The feelings got so strong that I had an overwhelming urge to go and lie down.  It was a desire to go unconsious, not to face the feelings, to pull the duvet over my head.  In the end there was nothing to do but seccumb to sleep and I went to bed and slumbered for a short while.

So, from one point of view, my grand start to writing this book has been rather unpleasant.  Fortunately, a bigger, wiser part of myself was looking on compassionately.

That wiser part of me understood what was happening and was curious, tender and patient.  “Well, that’s intriguing”, she said.  “I suppose it is not surprising that your shadow side will present itself just when you are on the threshold of breaking through into something so big.  You are at your point of power, and this is what happens.”  “It is good to remember that often the real creative juice and inspiration is to be found in the very shadow that you are resisting, the feelings that you don’t want to feel.  There will be some gold in this…”

A very brief nap was enough to break the empasse and ease the tension a little, but I still felt flat and foggy.  I made myself some lunch, then confided my troubles to my best friend and husband.  Hugely wise and supportive, he also understood why I was feeling the way I was, and encouraged me to relax and do what felt right for the rest of the day.   A hug and a few tears released me from my paralysis and allowed me to at least make some decisions for the day.  I opted to go ahead and collect my new meditation CDs from the printer and pop in on a relative in hospital nearby on the way back as planned.  And so that’s what I did.

Driving through more beautiful country lanes in the spring sunshine, my mind cleared.  I reflected that two years ago I was embarking on the creation of my meditation CD and that the much anticipated first session at the recording studio was really slow and difficult.

The Jeep had overheated on the journey there and I had to arrange recovery to take me home after my session in the studio.  I was late, flustered, pre-occupied and definitely not in the zone.  After several hours, all we had managed to achieve was setting up the recording equipment and balancing the sound.

It took two more days in the studio to complete the recording – one day to record 38 minutes of live meditation and another day to make editing decisions together.  There there were many further hours of painstaking tweaking back at home and many more for my sound engineer to mix in the music and master the tracks just perfectly.  It took six months altogther before I was holding the finished product in my hand.

And yet, there I was today, collecting the second edition of my meditation CD, knowing that dozens of friends, family, clients and colleagues were eagerly awaiting them, and that many, many more could benefit from them.  I have the experience of knowing how satisfying it is to complete a work like this and am delighted with the finished product.

Recalling the process of the CD production, I was reminded that sometimes when we set out to create something, there can be a difficult beginning.  There can be some inertia to overcome before the positive momentum gets underway.  So I took heart at this – after all,  I am just at the beginning of my book creation journey.  My spirits were also lifted by the poetic synchronicity that my CDs were ready on the very day that I started to write my book.

The day had turned around.  On the way back home, I had a pleasant visit with my relative who is recovering well and was in the most amazing, peaceful cottage hospital overlooking the Teign estuary – the view from her bed alone is deeply therapeutic.

By the time I got home, I felt encouraged to go for my evening run, something that had felt impossible to contemplate in my shut-down, energy-less state earlier in the day.  Running is a new practice for me – something I have taken up in parallel with book writing – so I have faced similar challenges whilst getting under way.

On the first day, my running was slow, short and laboured.  I felt like I was dragging around a big heavy sack of a body.  The second day was similar, though I managed to run twice as far.  Likewise on the third.  On the fourth day, now running four times as far as the first, my stride felt light – I actually enjoyed it!  However, on the fifth day, for some inexplicable reason I dropped back to running only as far as on the third day, and the whole thing was a bit of an ordeal.

Today, the sixth day, I ran as far as the fourth day again.   So, it really has been a case of four steps forward, two steps back, and one step forward again.  “But hey”, I thought to enourage myself along, “look at the upside.  That’s 400% better than a week ago!  And I’m feeling the benefits, even if I’m only staggering half way around the village.  I am sure that getting out every day and moving my body has added to quite an uplift in my happiness, energy and general well being.”

And the irony is, that having done all that – got myself on the ‘must write my book’ hook and taken myself off back off again – that when I came in from my run, all I wanted to do was get onto the laptop and write!!

My big, wise self was right – the juicy creativity is right there within the shadow that I was resisting – and THAT is what I want to write about.  The reason I want to write the book is to share tips and experience on how to put wisdom and inspiration into practice.  I don’t want to just spout theory, or tell stories to illustrate my points, but to describe in real-time, nitty gritty, intimate detail what it is like to apply that wisdom and inspiration and move through the ups and downs joyfully and easily.

The biggest irony of today is that the previous blog I posted on my website is called Trusting the Tides of Inspiration.  It is all about how to trust your intuition to do or not do things, to be natural and not to push.  So how do I square that all away with ‘pushing’ through my inertia, confusion, self doubt and resistance today?

Well, the thing is, I didn’t push.  I didn’t force.  When I did ‘try’ too hard earlier this morning, I ended up with pressure in my head and and irresistable desire to sleep.

Things turned around when I wisely and compassionately acknowledged what was going on, confided in a loved one, let myself receive reassurance, and gave myself permission to trust that I knew best and could follow what was really good for me to do.

Instead of pushing, I softened and opened.  Yes, I kept my intention and purpose in mind, but I wasn’t harsh and insisting about how to go forward.  Instead I became curious about what was resisting and invited that part of me into the equation.  I teach exactly the same principle in meditation practice.  We set our intention – the focus of the meditation – and if we get side tracked, we lovingly acknowledge what is wanting to take our attention away, and include it in the meditation.

That is why I begin guiding meditation by including all the things we can hear, smell, taste and touch.  And then the same with anything we are feeling or thinking.  Rather than resisting or denying or resenting any ‘distractions’ from our focus, we welcome them all into our awareness.  It is like getting all the passengers on the bus before it sets off.

On the run today, I gently LEANED IN to the experience of feeling tired and wanting to stop rather than PUSHING THROUGH.  This gave me a soft, flexible strength – made pliable by understanding, tenderness and warmth.  Just like the tree is made stronger by the sap running through the trunk, allowing it to bend and yield in the wind, likewise a compassionate curiousity and inclusion allows us to flex rather than break.

And when we bounce back – like the tree trunk finding it’s natural upright position after being bent in the storm – the energy comes naturally and effortlessly.  In my case, after my run, an incessant stream of two thousand or so words flowed easily through my fingers into the laptop in the course of an hour.

And I’ve learned one very important practical lesson today – when I write and circle the word WRITING into my diary, it denotes a day to do whatever feels right to get myself into a natural, relaxed, inspired state of heart and soul, body and mind.  It doesn’t necessarily mean that I will write actual words.  The words will come if I clarify my intention and then relax.  Just like with meditation, if I lovingly include whatever is attempting to estrange me from my natural flow, the book will write itself.

Will these words make it into my book?  Well maybe they will, but it really doesn’t matter.  What does matter is that I feel whole and free and satisfied, and just a little bit clearer on why I want to write a book in the first place!

Trusting the Tides of Inspiration

Recently I was looking for a piece of writing to submit as part of my application for a book writing scholarship and came across this blog I wrote four years ago.  It was written during a wonderful ‘raw and real’ six months when we were living in two caravans in a ‘wild field’ between moving house.

The fantastic news is that I won first place on the scholarship and have embarked upon writing my book with the amazing Julia McCutchen of the International Association of Conscious and Creative Writers.  Meditating on my subject today, I realised how appropriate this submitted piece of writing is, as it really captures an essence of my forthcoming book.

So here it is again, encouraging you to flow with your natural rhythms and trust the tides of your inspiration…

Do you trust your own rhythms?  Do you allow yourself to do nothing and stare into space just because you feel like it?  If a rush of creative ideas wakes you up at night, do you get up and start scribbling or smother it down because ‘you must get your sleep’?  When all your energy has vanished, do you force yourself to get on with some work or allow yourself to rest?…

Observing the ebb and flow of my creative energy here at the wild field has prompted me think about this.  When we first moved, it was easy to see why I wasn’t dreaming up any new workshops or enthusiastically promoting my latest inner wisdom product – I was exhausted!  Then the weeks went on and I settled deeply into my inner world – wanting to do little more than meditate and write.

After a while, I started to get a bit concerned. What if all that creative juice has gone?   Should I try to drum something up?  But no matter how I looked at it, I just did not feel like it.  I know from hard experience that it’s counter-productive to exhaust myself trying to swim against the tide, but it’s not always easy to keep the faith.  None-the-less, this time I managed to wait and trust that the change would come naturally.

Then, a week or two ago, it happened – a huge uprush of creativity and inspiration came bursting through.  Ideas, excitement, enthusiasm and energy aplenty – fully formed and in such abundance – and my new workshop was conceived.  A couple of phone calls were made and the people and resources I wanted fell into place beautifully.  There was a quality of effortless co-operation with a power so much greater and wiser than myself.  My job was to be switched on enough to notice the turning tide, fit enough to get on the surf board and keep my balance, and from there-on-in simply have a wonderful ride!

To me, one of the greatest gifts of my self-determining lifestyle is the delicious opportunity to follow my natural rhythms more truly.  Sometimes its an emotional rhythm – feeling slow and sad or fast and excited; sometimes its intellectual – clear as a bell or dull as dish water.  Then there are physical rhythms prompted by hormonal changes or meal, exercise and sleep patterns.  And of course there’s the environment – the light, the dark, the sun the moon, the seasons, the weather, the surroundings…

Our bodies and psyches are fantastically engineered sensing machines.  Should you pay attention – simply pay attention! – you get all the bio/psychic feedback you need in a nano second and you will KNOW what’s right for you at every turn.  However, if you override this awareness by getting too busy and out of touch with yourself (or giving too much of your power and freedom away to an over-demanding person or job), you lose one of your most precious abilities – to regulate a happy, balanced lifestyle for yourself.  What’s more, regulating yourself like this is your primary responsibility in life.  No one else can do this for you or be blamed if you do not do it for yourself.

I’m quite impressed with Paul McKenna’s work with regard to this.  Paul McKenna is a British hypnotherapist who has written many excellent self-help books including I Can Make You Thin.  The core principle of this book is that to eat appropriately (and therefore lose excess weight) you simply need to tune into this self-regulating ability.  By slowing down and paying deep attention to what food your body really wants, you naturally find your optimum weight.

However, there’s another whole dimension of rhythm in our lives – the ebb and flow of INSPIRATION – our spiritual rhythm.  When you are inspired you feel a creative energy rising up within you, giving you the ideas, direction and impetus to make something new happen.  It seems to bubble up from inside you even if its triggered by an external source like a stimulating talk or a sublime piece of music.  Sometimes it just seems to come from no-where.

The Buddha taught that inspiration can only be experienced when you have prepared yourself to receive it.  When you first start to meditate, it can take a while to draw all your disparate energies into some sort of coherence.  That’s what meditation does for you first of all – it helps you feel less scattered and more focussed and more whole and complete. This is the initial stage of INTEGRATION (bringing together).

Only then – when you have a sense of being in possession of your whole self – can inspiration start to come through into an adequate container.  This second stage, not surprisingly, is called INSPIRATION.  Having pulled yourself into some sort of shape, your natural creative energy has a place to arise and a vehicle through which to express itself.  It feels like you have a well-spring within you, constantly bubbling up from your deep inner source.

I explain these two aspects of meditation in this video – Meditation for Integration and Insight

As a coach, I have always preferred to work with inspiration rather than motivation.  As well as being a carrot rather than stick approach, it is a much more empowering and graceful way to work.  Helping people ignite their own natural joyful impetus is more independently sustainable for the client than trying to push them up a mountain they’d rather not climb.

Sometimes I think we’ve got it all wrong – that we think we have to ‘make’ ourselves do stuff because it’s ‘good for us’.  No, no!  Spend the time to develop the self-love and find the thing you really want to be doing because you were meant to be doing it!  Then its just a matter of lighting the touch-paper and standing back while an inspired new lifestyle takes off!

Inspiration is a massive force for the good.  When you are inspired you are in touch with who you truly are and feel moved by love and joy rather than fear and dread.  One of my favourite tips is the one that tells us how to know when you are making the right decision.  By asking yourself , ‘Am I making this choice from love or fear?’ you can discern whether you are doing things for the best (the best way is ALWAYS the one that is inspired by love rather than avoiding fear).  If you are making a choice based on love, you feel expanded and free.  If you are making the choice from fear, you feel contracted and strained.  You can feel that expansion or contraction in your body – often in your tummy area.  There’s a reason why we use the term ‘gut instinct’.

I go into the art of following the right inner promptings in this video – ‘Which Voice in Your Head Do You Trust?

So please do keep the faith, dear people – you do know what’s best for you.  Your only responsibility is to cultivate sensitivity to your rhythms and allow inspiration to flow.  Of course many of us have busy lives with many demands, but even within that, it’s possible to invest a little time developing awareness.  Meditation is a brilliant way to do this.  Just ten minutes a day – sitting quietly, feeling your breath move through your body – is a wonderful start.

Sign up for a free download of my – Ask Your Inner Wisdom meditation – to help you drop into that awareness.

Sign up for your free guided meditation by Maggie Kay






Say Yes to Abundance

Say Yes to Abundance

How to Create Money

with Heart and Soul

Thrivecraft Workshop

At The Totnes Natural Health Centre

Near the Royal Seven Stars Hotel, Totnes, Devon

Sat 17 / Sun 18 May 2014

with Maggie Kay

An inspiring and powerful weekend workshop to

* Discover your unique soul-path to prosperity

*  Clear away habitual money worry and crippling doubts

* Liberate your natural gifts and appreciate your true worth

* Create inspiring, soulful money-making ideas and plans

*  Fire-up your enthusiasm and set yourself into joyful action

* Share wisdom & support with the soul-centered Thrivecraft tribe

This workshop has been specially created to help you

make a shift in consciousness

and allow more abundance to flow into your life,

to generate enthusiasm, ideas and plans to take action

with an authentic heart and fulfilled soul!

Boost your income.  Grow your business.  Up your prosperity.

Attract good fortune.  Create synchronicity.

Feel free and joyful.


For more info and to book click here

Eventbrite - Say Yes to Abundance


Kate Harris – juice detox retreat expert

has found ‘her people’ and feels ecstatic

Caroline travels from Switzerland to attend

and explains why it is well worth the trip!

Putting Thrivecraft into Action!

Putting Thrivecraft into Action!

with Maggie Kay

shaman woman

Thrivecraft Weekend Workshop

At the Totnes Natural Health Centre

Near the Royal Seven Stars Hotel,

Totnes, Devon, UK

Sat 15 / Sun 16 March 2014

In this culminating workshop of the Thrivecraft programme,

we combine spiritual intelligence with practical know-how

to activate a rewarding shift in your life and/or business.

Guided by Maggie & harnessing the visionary input of the group,

you will develop a clear sense of your next steps

towards greater creative expression, prosperity and fulfilment.

Gain a stronger sense of who you are, your true purpose,

and the unique gifts you have to offer the world.

And learn the magical art of how to magnetise

your ideal clients, customers, investors and collaborators.

   Claim your true self and do what you love.

Create prosperity with authenticity and grace.

Attract opportunities, synchronicity and flow.


Thrivecraft – Practical and Magical


  For more info and to book

click here

Eventbrite - The Art of Telepathic Marketing


Caroline travels from Switzerland to attend workshops

and explains why it is well worth the trip

Creating Prosperity with Your Soulful Work


Business Coaching Day

with Maggie Kay

Creating Prosperity with your

Soulful Work


Sunday 19th January 2014

9.30 am -4.30 pm

at our new venue

The Totnes Natural Health Centre

trust wisdom of soul

 The theme for this coaching day is creating prosperity in 2014 with your true vocation / soul work / creative endeavour / inspired ethical business.

During the day we will review where we are now in the fulfilment of our vocation and creation of prosperity, and explore where we’d like to make positive developments.

We will create a heart centered vision map for 2014 and practice magnetising whatever new business, income, support, resources, clarity, self belief etc we seek.

The Thrivecraft Group Coaching Day format is an opportunity for us to receive more personal input in a smaller group setting and deepen support and connection between fellow experienced Thrivecrafters.

January’s coaching day launches the Thrivecraft Programme’s business coaching module which will continue at the February and March weekend workshops (details coming soon).

  For more info and to book click here

 Eventbrite - Thrivecraft Coaching Day January 2014

True Self Meditation

Connect with the ‘real you’ and find new inspiration with this delightful guided meditation from me, Maggie Kay.

Hot off the press from our latest Thrivecraft workshop, my True Self meditation has never been made public until now.

I just couldn’t resist sharing it with you!

So be my guest and treat your soul to 20 minutes of satisfaction and sparkle…

Hold Your Nerve and Breakthrough

When we make positive changes in our life we can sometimes lose our nerve and doubt ourselves.

But actually, being stirred up like this can be a sign that we are on the point of a big breakthrough.

In this video I explain what’s going on and give you some tips on how to hold your nerve.